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ICoBioS 2024 – with the theme Recent Updates in Bioinformatics, Synthetic Biology, and Nanobio Science for a Better Future this global conference x OBC will explore the latest innovations in bioinformatics, synthetic biology, and nanobio science. We invite researchers, academics, practitioners, university students, and high school students from around the world to join and participate in this event.
ICoBioS 2024 offers a unique opportunity to engage in seminars and presentations featuring cutting-edge research, gain insights from invited speakers who are renowned professors and researchers from Indonesia and abroad, and take part in panel discussions and networking sessions designed to foster collaboration and expand your professional network. The ICoBioS program also includes a paper and poster presentation competition open to lecturers, practitioners, researchers, and high school students, providing participants the chance to gain experience, knowledge, and exciting prizes. Additionally, workshops will be available to enhance the knowledge and skills of participants.
This event will also feature free sessions for ICoBioS participants, showcasing invited speakers who are prominent researchers and lecturers from Indonesia. Furthermore, the conference will host a special event, PIKNIKH, inviting speakers from both domestic and international backgrounds to inspire and provide in-depth insights into the field of biological sciences.
Don’t miss this incredible opportunity to learn, share, and collaborate!
Mark your calendars, and let’s make ICoBioS 2024 a significant step forward for the advancement of biological science! Join us and be a part of this inspiring journey!
Presentation Competitionis an exciting event that revolves around the theme of“Recent Updates in Bioinformatics, Synthetic Biology, AndNanobio Science for a better Future”. The event aims toencourage students to explore new strategies foraddressing complex issues in the field of biology throughboth basic and applied scientific research. Participants areinvited to submit their research projects or concepts,focusing on various areas within the living sciences.
The competition welcomes novel and groundbreakingscientific concepts that have not been previously tested orexplored in prior studies. It encourages participants tothink outside the box and propose unique approaches tobiological problems. The domains covered in thiscompetition include zoology, molecular biology,environmental science, biodiversity, microbiology, appliedscience and materials, biotechnology, bioinformatics,biomedicine, biochemistry, and educational biology. Thesediverse areas allow for a comprehensive exploration of themain points related to the proposed scientific issues.